
申文浩,佐藤政良,金泰喆,石井敦, 韓国の公的水管理制度における末端水管理の問題点, 水文・水資源学会誌, 25(5), 306-314, 2012.







キーワード: 水管理システム, 公的管理, 農民参加, 持続性, 効率性


Participatory irrigation management (PIM) has been promoted in developing countries to achieve higher efficiency and sustainability in irrigation projects, while some industrial countries in eastern Asia tend to have public water management systems.Korea particularly has strongly promoted public management since the 1980s. It eventually abolished farmers' irrigation organizations through the establishment of a public corporation (now the Korea Rural Community Corporation, KRC) in 2000, thereby introducing a comprehensive public water management system with no farmer membership fees. This study was conducted to analyze problems that have arisen from the use of this strong public water management system in a small and private farming system. This analysis is based on close observation of the behavior and activities of farmers and KRC staff together with a questionnaire administered to selected farmers. The study clarified that no agreement has been made related to the responsibility for farm ditch management, which has engendered several problems: 1) the KRC has no capacity to solve water distribution disputes in the farm ditches; 2) farm ditches have been insufficiently maintained by the KRC and farmers; and 3) the farmers have little willingness to solve these problems, but expect the KRC to do so.


Keywords: water management system, public management, farmer participation, sustainability, efficiency

番号 タイトル
27 浅田 洋平, 大山 修蔵, 申 文浩, 鈴木 哲也, 圧力変動データ同化を利用した漏水1点に対応した管内漏水検知法の開発及び検証, 土木学会論文集, 80(16), 2024.
26 浅田洋平, 申文浩, 圧力変動を利用した管内漏水検知法に関する現場実証試験, 農業農村工学会誌, 91(11), 13-16, 2023.
25 Tomijiro Kubota, Hirofumi Tsukada, Moono Shin, ほか2名 Dynamics of suspended and dissolved radiocaesium in a small irrigation pond based on vertical water quality profiles, Agricultural Water ManagementVolume 286, 108387, 2023.8
24 Tomijiro Kubota, Moono Shin et al., Dynamics of radiocesium in an irrigation reservoir managed at low water level from the perspective of inflow and outflow water quality under non-flood conditions, Paddy and Water Environment, 20(2) 369–379, 2022.4
23 Hiroshi Jinguji, Yuki Fujiwara, Kazuhisa Ohtsu, Moono Shin and Motoko Morimoto, Acute toxicity of sodium chloride to first and fourth instar Aedes albopictus larvae, Medical Entomology and Zoology, Vol. 72 No. 3 pp. 199‒204, 2021
22 申文浩, 久保田富次郎, 請戸川の水を用いた水稲栽培における放射性セシウムの影響, 農業農村工学会誌89(7), 19-22, 2021
21 申文浩, 実践型教育の現状と産学官連携による人材育成の取組み, 農業農村工学会誌89(6), 7-10, 2021
20 神宮字寛, 千葉克己, 申文浩, 新型コロナウイルス感染症が土地改良区の運営に与えた影響, 農業農村工学会誌89(4), 9-12, 2021
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18 久保田富次郎, 申文浩, 宮津進, 錦織達啓, 農研機構の農業農村工学分野を中心とした原発事故対応研究, 農業農村工学会誌, 88(2), 11-14, 2020.
17 申文浩, 新設の福島大学食農学類の実践型教育と今後の課題, 農業農村工学会誌, 88(2), 19-22, 2020.
16 Hideki Tsuji, Moono Shin, 他11名, 3番目, Factors controlling dissolved 137Cs concentrations in east Japanese Rivers, Science of The Total Environment, 697, 2019
15 Momo Kurihara, Moono Shin 他25名, 21番目, Repeatability and reproducibility of measurements of low dissolved radiocesium concentrations in freshwater using different pre-concentration methods, Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 2019.
14 Moono Shin, Tomijiro Kubota, Yuzo Manpuku, Yukio Suzuki, Tetsuo Yasutaka, Hisaya Matsunami, and Takeshi Ota, Behavior of radiocesium in decontaminated paddy fields in Fukushima Prefecture, Japan, Paddy and Water Environment, 17(4), pp 703-714, 2019.
13 申文浩, 久保田富次郎, 宮津進, 引木信也, 李相潤, 被災地の農業用水の安全・安心へ向けたICT活用の取組み, 農業農村工学会誌, 86(4), 281-284, 2018.
12 保高徹生, 申 文浩, 恩田裕一, 信濃卓郎, 林 誠二, 塚田祥文, 青野辰雄, 飯島和毅, 江口定夫, 大野浩一, 吉田幸弘, 上東浩, 北村清司, 久保田富次郎, 野川憲夫, 吉川夏樹, 山口裕顕, 末木啓介, 辻 英樹, 宮津 進, 岡田往子, 栗原モモ, Sandor TARJAN, 松波寿弥, 内田滋夫, 陸水中における微量溶存態放射性セシウムの濃縮法の比較, 分析化学, 66(4), 299-307, 2017.
11 李 相潤,石井 敦,申 文浩,谷口智之,佐藤政良, 韓国近代以前における河川灌漑田の利水安全度, 農業農村工学会論文集, 85(1), 105-115, 2017.
10 李相潤,石井敦,申文浩,谷口智之,佐藤政良, 水田灌漑用水利用からみた韓国の河川の流量特徴, 水文・水資源学会誌, 30(2), 102-111, 2017.
9 久保田富次郎, 濵田康治, 人見忠良, 山口康晴, 申文浩, 農業水利施設における濁度の遠隔監視と浮遊物質、全リン、放射性Csの濃度推定, 農村工学研究所技報, 218, 77-88, 2016.
8 [総説] 申文浩,久保田富次郎,濵田康治,人見忠良,農業用水に含まれる放射性セシウムのモニタリング技術,環境バイオテクノロジー学会誌,15(2),91-97, 2016.